Dr. Michael Ahn
Live Patient Guided Implant Mentorship
- Basic
Early Bird $3500
/ General $3500
This unique course is designed for doctors who are interested in advancing their surgical skills related to implantology as in one to one concentrated teaching format. This course offers many benefits to the participants which can not be found in other group or live surgery courses. It is special that is catered to only one doctor’s level and needs; and the participant will receive a full attention of the instructor. This course will help the doctors be familiar with basic implant surgery in their dental practice. The participants will learn the fundamentals of dental implantology, patient selection, treatment planning, bone grafting, suturing, and more. At the end, the participant will be guided to perform a live surgery on their own patient to have hands-on experience. This will definitely boost the participating doctor’s confidence as a dental surgeon, and increase their production as a bonus.
Understand the basics of implantology including bio materials and instruments
Case selection and treatment planning
Learn about the bone characteristics and its mechanism
Understand the use of radiographics
Lean the basic surgical techniques including flap design, soft tissue management, and suturing

How to achieve successful bone grafting
Learn how to place an Implant in a correct way with final prosthetics in mind
Post op managements including various medications
Post op complications management
In Person
Subject Code​
Credit Hours
Teaching Methods
690 - Implants